We meet the needs of clients through a wide range of products of clamping force from 75 to 2,300

We meet the needs of clients through a wide range of products of clamping force from 75 to 2,300 tons.
In addition to developing highly precise and reliable equipment, We provide of five-points Toggle system injection molding machines with the benefits of easy repair and low maintenance costs.

https://domfhamachine.web66.com.tw/web/NMD?postId=181831油壓沖孔機 Hydraulic Punching Machine
油壓沖孔機 Hydraulic Punching Machine 適用於鋼板,角鋼,型鋼及各種金屬材質等之沖孔工作,依加工能力大小可分成125/100/80/60噸,共四種機型,另可選配做衝剪,剪邊,